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EAN : 9780751554205
480 pages
Sphere (14/01/2016)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
One ordinary morning, Norah walked out of her house on Willoughby Street and never looked back. Six years later, she returns to the home she walked away from only to find another woman in her place. Fay held Norah's family together after she disappeared, she shares a bed with Norah's husband and Norah's youngest daughter calls Fay 'Mummy'. Now that Norah has returned, everyone has questions. Where has she been ? Why did she leave ? And why is she back ? As each memb... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Astonishing Return of Norah WellsVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Une histoire de famille et d'amour dont l'originalité nous happe dès la première page. Il faut dire que l'auteure donne une voix aussi juste que touchante à chacun des principaux personnages.
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Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
They say that all babies looked like their fathers, that it's an evolutionary trick to keep men from abandoning their families: when fathers see themselves reflected in their babies, they swell with the pride of ownership.
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You need to defend yourself, says Ella. You need to say mean things back. (...) But Willa can never think of mean things to say back. (...) Willa didn't think it was fair that the only choices available were (a) being mean, or (b) being walked over.
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Divorce. Death. There are guidelines for those. You get angry and lash out. You mourn. But disappearance? It doesn't allow you to let go, to turn your love from a living thing to a memory.
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Loneliness isn't about being without people, it's about being with people who make you feel alone.
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