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Corgi (07/03/2013)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Four young criminals. One simple task: steal a mysterious box from the daughter of a dead scientist. They have to follow her, bug her phone, hack her computer, search her home, all without her knowing. But "WatchWorld" run this city now. On every street are cameras, X-ray scanners, microphones. Terrifying Safe-Guards can see through walls, hear your heartbeat, analyze the smell of your sweat. Their motto? If you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear. But Nimmo,... >Voir plus
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Bernard Pivot, animateur, auteur et amateur de vin.

Quel autre métier a exercé au début de sa carrière?


10 questions
11 lecteurs ont répondu
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