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EAN : 9788072532339
Vitalis (01/01/2006)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Jan Neruda first unveiled his Prague Tales from the Little Quarter in 1878. These stories usher the reader back to the first half of the nineteenth century, a time whan Prague's Little Quarter was a sleepy quarter of the city composed of narrow, dimly lit Streets, proud and stately palaces, and magnificent churches and spires. The quarter remains nearly unchanged today and it is in the midst of such surroundings that Neruda encountered the individuals with whom he c... >Voir plus
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There was morning and then evening - the first day. It is evening, and the setting of our story is just like that in the old Russian folksong: "The moon's in the sky and moonlight in the hut." The full moon sails across the sky, so luminous and bright that the surrounding stars seem to have vanished, only to timidly reappear when they are a world away. The moon proudly spreads its luminous raiment over the ground, sheathing the earth below in its light, blanketing the water of brooks and the foliage of banks, gliding across the broad countryside and the sprawling town. It heaves its cloak through city streets and squares, whatever it come upon, and if it spies an open window anywher, it tosses the tip of its garment Inside.
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