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EAN : 9781553653387
D&m Adult (30/11/-1)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been the hallmark of genius, but Nobel laureates tend to be more than merely brilliant―their idealism, courage, and concern for humanity have also made them sources of inspiration and wisdom. Contrary to the notion that geniuses are absentminded eccentrics who lead solitary lives, many Nobel laureates have been social activists and political leaders, and some have been polymaths whose interests and talents were diverse, such as ... >Voir plus
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Qu'elles soient tristes ou drôles, les citations regroupées dans ce recueil sont édifiantes et inspirantes.
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Citations et extraits (25) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
I did not become a vegetarian for my health, I did it for the health of the chickens. (Isaac Bashevis Singer, prix Nobel de Littérature 1978)
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The world could get along very well without literature; it could get along even better without man. (Jean-Paul Sartre, Prix Nobel de littérature 1964)
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The mistakes made by a democracy in a whole generation do not compare with the mistakes that can be made by a dictatorship in a single day.
(Anwar al-Sadat, prix Nobel de la paix 1978)
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Governments need enemies to frighten their people with, frightened people being more easy to lead.
(Albert Szent-Györgyi, prix Nobel de médecine 1937)
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At the Novosibirsk Transit Prison in 1945 they greeted the prisoners with a roll call based on cases. "So and so! Article 51 and 58-IA, twenty-five years." The chief of the convoy guard was curious. "What did you get it for?" "For nothing at all." "You are lying. The sentence for nothing at all is ten years."
(Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, prix Nobel de littérature 1970)
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