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Vampirates tome 6 sur 6
EAN : 9780316033251
508 pages
LITTLE, BROWN (15/01/2013)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
A bloody war is raging across the oceans, with the Pirate Federation and Nocturnals in alliance against the renegade Vampirates, led by Sidorio and Lola. Nothing will stop either one from making their presence dangerously known in battle.

Connor and Grace Tempest each have important roles to play in the war - he as a pirate warrior at the heart of the fight; she as a powerful healer working with the war-wounded. As the twins face their greatest challe... >Voir plus
Que lire après Vampirates, tome 6 : Immortal WarVoir plus

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Quiz Voir plus

Vous avez dit vampires ?

Qui a écrit "Dracula" ?

Oscar Wilde
Bram Stoker
Arthur Conan Doyle
Mary Selley

15 questions
2071 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : fantastique , vampiresCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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