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The Legends of the First Empire tome 6 sur 6
EAN : 9781944145408
464 pages
Grim Oak Press (05/05/2020)
4.17/5   3 notes
Résumé :
A door opens. An army of dragons advance. And the fate of the living rests with the dead.

After obtaining the secret to creating dragons, the leader of the Fhrey has turned the tide of war once more—but gaining the advantage has come at a terrible price. While Imaly plots to overthrow the fane for transgressions against his people, a mystic and a keeper are the only hope for the Rhunes. Time is short, and the future of both races hangs in the balance.... >Voir plus
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Dying is easy. Anyone can do that. Living - going on after you've lost those you love, having to face each new day under the weight of their absence - is what's hard. You have to witness a sun that is never again as bright and hear music that is no longer cheerful. Eating food will never fully satisfy, and you wake up each morning to a shattered world that can never again be whole. Despite all this, you have to find a reason to breathe, to move.
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Love - knowing someone cares about you - is a powerful medicine, both on Elan and, especially, in here. It gives a person hope, and that is unbelievably powerful.
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Everyone falls. We all have things we regret. No one is perfect.
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