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Bourses de voyage tome 1 sur 3
254 pages
Michel de L'Ormeraie. (01/12/1980)
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Résumé :
fac-similé édition originale, reliure à l'ancre

Antilian School est un collège londonien réputé, qui accueille exclusivement les jeunes gens natifs des Antilles. Neuf de ses pensionnaires viennent de se voir attribuer des bourses de voyage, offertes par une riche propriétaire de la Barbade, mistress Seymour.

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In the same year that Jules Verne published Around the World in 80 Days, Henri Cernuschi set foot in Asia – the ultimate goal of a journey that would give rise to one of the most impressive collections of Asian art in Europe. Starting in Japan before moving on to China, Indonesia, Ceylon and India, our traveller was struck by the artistic wealth of the countries he visited. In a matter of months, he collected several thousand objects, particularly bronzes, whose value he was the first to understand.
Upon returning to Paris, Cernuschi immediately exhibited his collection. Artists and craftsmen of the time were quick to view his Chinese and Japanese pieces as extraordinary sources of inspiration. The range of shapes and patterns and the technical innovation showcased in Cernuschi's collection became models for an entire generation of creators. True to his visionary intuitions, Cernuschi had an hôtel particulier built, which he designed as a museum space from the get-go. This property would go on to become the City of Paris' museum of Asian arts by the end of the 19th century.
This exhibition celebrates the 150th anniversary of Cernuschi's return from Asia and invites the public to rediscover the traveller's journey and the collector's contributions to the revolution in taste that would become known as “Japonisme”. From the start of the tour and throughout the exhibition, a projection and five audio stations punctuate the display, with each step painting a portrait of this outstanding collector.
New for this anniversary, this summer the museum's permanent collections will unveil restored Japanese sculpted dragons, which have not been exhibited in their entirety since 1930.
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