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EAN : 9780199536863
784 pages
Oxford University Press (01/07/2008)
3.75/5   2 notes
Résumé :

This authoritative edition was formerly published in the acclaimed Oxford Authors series under the general editorship of Frank Kermode. It brings together a unique combination of Wordsworth's poetry and prose - all the major poems, complemented by important letters, prefaces, and essays - to give the essence of his work and thinking. William Wordsworth (1770-1850) has long been one of the best-known and best-loved English poets. The Lyrical Ballads, ... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Major Works: Including the PreludeVoir plus

Videos de William Wordsworth (6) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de William Wordsworth
James Chandler - A Revolution in Poetry: Wordsworth and Coleridge, 1798 For several years near the end of the eighteenth century, two talented English writers became neighbors, traveling companions, and most importantly, collaborators in a project to reform the ills of English culture in the age of the French Revolution. Their chosen means? Poetry--ballad poetry. The result was the transformative volume, Lyrical Ballads. We will look at what they thought they were doing, what they wrote, and what changes they effected. We'll pay some attention to Wordsworth's famous Preface about the woes of contemporary society.
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Dans quelle ville Verlaine tira-t-il sur Rimbaud, le blessant légèrement au poignet ?


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