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EAN : 9780333761403
400 pages
Macmillan (01/01/2001)
3.75/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Remember the faery stories you were told as a child? Tales of tiny, magical, winged beings and elves, wicked witches and goblins. Demons . . .
What if one day you found out they were true? What if, when you became an adult, you discovered they were all based on fact? What if you met the fantasy and it was all so very real?
That's what happened to Thom Kindred. The wonders were revealed to him. But so were the horrors, for not far behind the Good, there... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Remember the faery stories you were told as a child? Tales of tiny, magical, winged beings and elves, wicked witches and goblins. Demons . . .
What if one day you found out they were true? What if, when you became an adult, you discovered they were all based on fact? What if you met the fantasy and it was all so very real?
That's what happened to Thom Kindred. The wonders were revealed to him. But so were the horrors, for not far behind the Good, there always lurks the Bad. And the Bad had designs on Thom. The Bad would show him real evil.
Once isn't actually a horror story, but a fairy tale for the modern age. Thom Kindred returns to his ancestral home within the grounds of Castle Bracken. He hopes to reconnect with old friends and forgotten memories... but it comes with a cost. Thom soon discovers that fairies are real, and so too are other, darker things.
It's a good book, except... too much descriptive sex scenes for me...

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Vidéo de James Herbert
Bande annonce de la série,The Secret of Crickley Hall, adaptation du roman de James Herbert
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Ce film d'horreur et d'épouvante est (aussi) un roman

Jack Torrance, gardien d'un hôtel fermé l'hiver, sa femme et son fils Danny s'apprêtent à vivre de longs mois de solitude. Ce film réalisé en 1980 par Stanley Kubrick avec Jack NIcholson et Shelley Duvall est adapté d'un roman de Stephen King publié en 1977

Le silence des agneaux
La nuit du chasseur
Les diaboliques
Rosemary's Baby
The thing
La mouche
Les Yeux sans visage

10 questions
966 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : cinema , horreur , epouvanteCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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