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EAN : 9781447250326
224 pages
Picador (12/09/2013)
4.5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Bartibone Bay, mid-afternoon, Celice and Joseph, married, middle-aged, are lying naked on the coast. They had met and first had sex there as students thirty years before. Now they hope to rediscover and rekindle passion in the dunes.

But this will be a day for death as well as kisses, a day when murder and eternity will fail to put and end to love...
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
If Jim Crace were to be a painter, he would certainly specialize in still life.
His writing is raw, specific and accurate. He relates things in such a way as to keep the reader at a distance and in the mean time, he never conceals anything from him. There is nothing emotional, it is only a scientist's reporting of the facts. You are spared any sense of pathos. His characters, Joseph and Celice seem to lack human feelings, or rather hide them – Celice feels guilt mainly, but represses it. In fact, when they finally give way to their feelings, drama occurs. You may call it fate or fish or a mere unhappy coïncidence.
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
Anyone who studies nature must get used to violence. You'll have to make yourselves companionable with death if any of you want to flourish as zoologists.
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Death is nothing at all. I have slipped away into another room. All is well." Except, thought Syl, that there's no slipping back.
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We live, we die, we do not need to understand. There are no ghosts to lay. There is just ash and memory.
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Londres et la littérature

Dans quelle rue de Londres vit Sherlock Holmes, le célèbre détective ?

Oxford Street
Baker Street
Margaret Street
Glasshouse Street

10 questions
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Thèmes : littérature , littérature anglaise , londresCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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