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Lee B. Brawner (Préfacier, etc.)
EAN : 9780313293306
360 pages
Greenwood Press (01/01/1998)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Published over a decade ago, the first edition of "Moving Library Collections" was hailed as invaluable and long overdue by, among others, " Booklist," "Library Talk," and "College and Research Libraries." Now, this must-have resource returns in a fully updated new edition, to help today's librarians think through the issues, explore the options, and avoid the pitfalls of orchestrating a library move.

Again based on data from over 100 library moves, "... >Voir plus
Que lire après Moving library collections : a management handbookVoir plus

>Généralités>Bibliothéconomie et sciences de l'information>Opérations bibliothéconomiques et documentaires (56)
autres livres classés : TransfertVoir plus

Lecteurs (1) Voir plus

Quiz Voir plus

Paris en poésie

Guillaume Apollinaire - "Le pont ..."

des Arts

10 questions
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