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EAN : 9780140279894
576 pages
Penguin (28/01/1999)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
'Not to every young girl is it given to enter the harem of the Sultan of Turkey and return to her homeland a virgin . . .'

Sixteen-year-old Philippa Somerville has left Constantinople intact. Returning to England as wife in name only to Francis Crawford of Lymond, she wastes no time in seeking the truth about her new spouse, even as she finds herself navigating the paranoid court of Queen Mary.

Lymond, meanwhile, arrives in Moscow to as... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Lymond Chronicles, tome 5 : The Ringed CastleVoir plus

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Quiz Voir plus

Un secret de Philippe Grimbert

Qu'est ce que le narrateur s'invente ?

un petit frère
un frère jumeau
un grand frère

12 questions
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