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EAN : 9780679601227
368 pages
5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
A young woman who is going through a pneumonia, sits all day on her bed looking out the window. One day, she says that when the last leaf will fell from this tree that she sees outside, it would be the time for her to leave the world.
An old man, who had never paint the masterpiece he dreamt of, decided to help this woman.
On a cold rainy night, he went where the tree is and painted a leaf.
The next day, seeing that the ... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
A young woman who is going through a pneumonia, sits all day on her bed looking out the window. One day, she says that when the last leaf will fell from this tree that she sees outside, it would be the time for her to leave the world.
An old man, who had never paint the masterpiece he dreamt of, decided to help this woman.
On a cold rainy night, he went where the tree is and painted a leaf.
The next day, seeing that the last leaf did not fell despite the bad weather, the young woman decided to unit all her strenght in order to heal.

I really recommand this story; In fact I love all the stories of O.Henry. Indeed, in a short novel, with few characters, he manage to teach us simple values of life : like loyalty, friendship etc. We feel reborn at the end of each of his stories. (Alix)
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Video de O. Henry (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo

O Henry : Attaque de train mode d'emploi
- C'est dans le bar " Blue Bayou" dans le 11ème arrondissement de Paris, qu'Olivier BARROT dresse la biographie d'un princeaméricain de la nouvelle, O. HENRY (pseudonyme de William PORTER), puis parle de "Attaque de train mode d'emploi" que l'auteur a composé.
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