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EAN : 9780571382019
64 pages
Faber and Faber (22/08/2023)
3.7/5   5 notes
Résumé :
After an uneventful Friday at the Dublin office, Cathal faces into the long weekend and takes the bus home. There, his mind agitates over a woman named Sabine with whom he could have spent his life, had he acted differently. All evening, with only the television and a bottle of champagne for company, thoughts of this woman and others intrude — and the true significance of this particular date is revealed.

From one of the finest writers working today, ... >Voir plus
Que lire après So Late in the DayVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
I love short books. This collection of short stories from Claire Keegan did not disappoint. The author's style seems very simple, but is extremely effective, powerful and impactful. I'm still shaken from the last story.

“The rubber plant in the living room crawled across the carpet toward a rectangular pool of streetlight.”
“He kissed her then as if there was something in her mouth he wanted. Words, probably.”
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Vidéo de Claire Keegan
Claire Keegan & Camilla Grudova in conversation with Sinéad Gleeson
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Ce genre de petites choses

1) Bill Furlong est père de famille et a :

Une fille
Deux filles
Quatre filles
Cinq filles

10 questions
13 lecteurs ont répondu
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