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EAN : 9781517170882
240 pages
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (22/10/2015)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
It drives my dad nuts I’m such a goody two shoes, but the fact that I’m a virgin makes smoke pour from his ears. Literally. But not purposely. See, I’m determined to save myself for love, but daddy dear, more commonly known as Lucifer, just wants me to stop being an embarrassment. Maybe he’ll get his wish because I met a hunk in my bar. We’re talking serious sex on a stick—or so my sister Bambi likes to say. Could he be the one? He certainly melts my panties like ma... >Voir plus
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Rolling my eyes, I again had to question why men had to be so stubborn. "Seriously, Auric, you do not want to mess with this thing."
"I've dealt with demons before," he said, pulling out a sword from behind his kitchen counter. I had to admit being impressed–his sword was long, shiny, and hard. Wait, that didn't sound right. Needless to say, he had a big one; and judging by the way he moved it, he also knew how to use it. Damn, I was even hornier than before.
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L'érotisme en littérature

Lequel de ces romans de Diderot, publié anonymement, est un roman libertin ?

Le Neveu de Rameau
Les Bijoux indiscrets
Le Rêve de D'Alembert
La Religieuse

6 questions
354 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature libertine , érotisme , érotiqueCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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