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EAN : 9782020002912
187 pages
Seuil (01/11/1966)
4/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Bernard Fontaine, abbot of Clairvaux, was born in 1090 in Dijon and died August 20 1153. He was the Abbey of Clairvaux, a monastic, and a reformer of religious life. Spiritual director and major sponsor of the Cistercian order (or order of Cistercian ), Bernard demonstrated, throughout his life, a tireless activity to educate its Clairvaux monks to move and lead the crowds to combine his order with the papacy and to develop a militant ideology that his order and the... >Voir plus
Que lire après St. Bernard et l'esprit cistercienVoir plus

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Jésus qui est-il ?

Jésus était-il vraiment Juif ?

Plutôt Zen

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