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EAN : 9780399539848
296 pages
Penguin Workshop (24/12/2018)
4.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Before you watch the upcoming Netflix series (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance), read these original novels from J. M. Lee that tie into the events of the series.

Following the defeat of skekLi in the Grottan Sanctuary, the cave-dwelling Amri joins with fellow Gelfling Naia and Kylan on their quest to warn the All-Maudra of the Skeksis' plot. However, alarming news from Ha'rar sends the Gelfling rebels to the Silver Sea to seek aid from the Sifa ma... >Voir plus
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Amri gasped as they came around the main headland, then winced and had to shield his eyes from one vessel that rested in the arms of the bay. He squinted through his fingers at a magnificent ship that dwarfed all the others. It was not made of wood but coral; glittering white and pink at the keel, brilliant carnelian as its fronds reached higher. The masts were thorny spires, growing out of the coral body like trees and bloused with flowing anemone sails.
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Like the crystals in a broken geode, the city of Ha'rar glittered in the protective shell of the mountains, covered in snow and glowing with moon and starlight.
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