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EAN : 9781801108423
Head of Zeus (02/12/2022)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
There has always been a darkness to Ilmar, but never more so than now. The city chafes under the heavy hand of the Palleseen occupation, the choke-hold of its criminal underworld, the boot of its factory owners, the weight of its wretched poor and the burden of its ancient curse.

What will be the spark that lights the conflagration?

Despite the city's refugees, wanderers, murderers, madmen, fanatics and thieves, the catalyst, as always,... >Voir plus
Que lire après City of Last ChancesVoir plus

Videos de Adrian Tchaikovsky (6) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Adrian Tchaikovsky
How does a science fiction author create an alien mind that is truly alien? Join two of the best-known contemporary science fiction authors, Ann Leckie and Adrian Tchaikovsky, for a conversation about the fascinating aliens they've created for their award-winning and bestselling books—and how the humans in those books interact with creatures so, well, alien.
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Autobiographies de l'enfance

C’est un roman autobiographique publié en 1894 par Jules Renard, qui raconte l'enfance et les déboires d'un garçon roux mal aimé.

Confession d’un enfant du siècle
La mare au diable
Poil de Carotte

12 questions
147 lecteurs ont répondu
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