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EAN : 978B00M0D21Q6
Harper Perennial (30/11/-1)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Book 9 of 11 in the Maisie Dobbs Mystery Series
In this latest entry in Jacqueline Winspear’s acclaimed, bestselling mystery series—“less whodunits than why-dunits, more P.D. James than Agatha Christie” (USA Today)—Maisie Dobbs takes on her most personal case yet, a twisting investigation into the brutal killing of a street peddler that will take her from the working-class neighborhoods of her childhood into London’s highest circles of power. Perfect for fa... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Maisie Dobbs Mystery, tome 9 : Elegy for EddieVoir plus
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And it's occurred to her that she was so used to turning over everything in her mind, as if each thought were an intricate shell found at the beach, that she had never truly known the value of simply accepting things as they were.
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Quelle guerre ?

Autant en emporte le vent, de Margaret Mitchell

la guerre hispano américaine
la guerre d'indépendance américaine
la guerre de sécession
la guerre des pâtissiers

12 questions
3248 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : guerre , histoire militaire , histoireCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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