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EAN : 9780753827529
432 pages
Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd ) (18/08/2011)

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Résumé :
Jennifer Worth's bestselling memoirs of her time as a midwife have inspired and moved readers of all ages. Now, in IN THE MIDST OF LIFE she documents her experiences as a nurse and ward sister, treating patients who were nearing the end of their lives. Interspersed with these stories from Jennifer's post-midwife career are the histories of her patients, from the family divided by a decision nobody could bear to make, to the mother who comes to her son's adopted coun... >Voir plus
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Fifty years of thought, and four years of writing, have gone into the production of this book. The best wine and cheese, we are told, are slow to mature. Let us hope it is the same for books !
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Vidéo de Jennifer Worth
Exclusive interview with author Jennifer Worth about her new book The Midwife.
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Les écrivains et le suicide

En 1941, cette immense écrivaine, pensant devenir folle, va se jeter dans une rivière les poches pleine de pierres. Avant de mourir, elle écrit à son mari une lettre où elle dit prendre la meilleure décision qui soit.

Virginia Woolf
Marguerite Duras
Sylvia Plath
Victoria Ocampo

8 questions
1726 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : suicide , biographie , littératureCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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