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March (Lewis (II) /Aydin) tome 2 sur 3

Nate Powell (Autre)
186 pages
Top Shelf Productions (20/01/2015)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
After the success of the Nashville sit-in campaign, John Lewis is more committed than ever to changing the world through nonviolence - but as he and his fellow Freedom Riders board a bus into the vicious heart of the deep south, they will be tested like never before.

Faced with beatings, police brutality, imprisonment, arson, and even murder, the young activists of the movement struggle with internal conflicts as well. But their courage will attract t... >Voir plus
Que lire après March, tome 2Voir plus

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WAKE UP AMERICA T1 : 1940-1960

Cette bande dessinée retrace la vie d'une personnalité américaine, de qui s'agit-il ?

John Davis
John Lewis
Barack Obama

5 questions
6 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Wake up America, tome 1 : 1940-1960 de John Lewis (II)Créer un quiz sur ce livre

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