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317 pages
Thomas & Mercer (10/10/2019)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Every Wednesday, like clockwork, the terror returns.
It seems like an ordinary Wednesday, until the phone rings. A mysterious caller with a chilling threat. Journalist Alice Henderson hangs up, ready to dismiss it as a hoax against the newspaper. But the next Wednesday, the stalker makes another move—and it becomes clear that this is all about Alice.
Someone wants her to suffer, but for what? Her articles have made her a popular local champion—could it... >Voir plus
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In my quest for justice, i have lied and i have certainly deceived others. But I take full responsibility for my actions, at least to myself. I do these things because I need to. On occasion because I want to. You don't hear me bleating on about how the world has fucked me over. Like my mother, Connie played the victim card her whole life. She deserved what she got. If someone wrongs me, I don't take refuge in alcohol, or drugs, or food. I take revenge.
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My mother, Vicky Richards, was washing her hands of me forever. The rage I felt for this woman was incredible. To be rejected once was bad enough, but for her to reject me twice was inforgivable.
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