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Joanna Ebenstein (Directeur de publication)
EAN : 9781907222269
200 pages
Strange Attractor Press (15/12/2020)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Three idiosyncratically macabre cabaret-restaurants in Montmartre, each with its own grotesque portrayal of the afterworlds of Hell, Heaven, and Nothingness.From 1892 until 1954, three cabaret-restaurants in the Montmartre district of Paris captivated tourists with their grotesque portrayals of death in the afterworlds of Hell, Heaven, and Nothingness. Each had specialized cuisines and morbid visual displays with flashes of nudity and shocking optical illusions. The... >Voir plus
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Où sont-ils nés ?

Albert Camus est né .....

en Tunisie
en Algérie
au Maroc

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