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EAN : 9781408807477
320 pages
Bloomsbury Publishing (01/10/2011)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
A sweeping, propulsive, darkly humorous new novel by the best-selling author of Snow Falling on Cedars: a story of destiny, desire, and destruction that reimagines Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex for our own era.

In Seattle in 1962, Walter Cousins, a mild-mannered actuary—“a guy who weighs risk for a living”—takes a risk of his own, and makes the biggest error of his life. He sleeps with Diane Burroughs, the sexy, not-quite-legal British au pair who’s taking... >Voir plus
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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
In 1962, Walter Cousins made the biggest mistake of his life: he slept with the au pair for a month. She was an English exchange student named Diane Burroughs, and he was an actuary from Piersall-Crane, Inc., whose wife, that summer, had suffered a nervous breakdown.
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Ed stood with his hands at the back of his head, like someone just arrested, while she abused him with a bar of soap.
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Videos de David Guterson (4) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de David Guterson
Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson A review and summary of this wonderful story, set to images from the unique interactive experience.
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Littérature jeunesse

Comment s'appelle le héros créé par Neil Gailman ?

Somebody Owens
Dead Owens
Nobody Owens
Baby Owens

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