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EAN : 9780751565256
408 pages
Sphere (09/08/2018)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Early one morning, Isabel and her eleven-year-old daughter River are walking across Regents Park when they come across a distraught-looking man sitting on a bench. They ask him if he's OK, but he doesn't know the answer. In fact he doesn't know the answer to any of their questions - he doesn't even know his name. Urged on by her daughter, Isabel takes the man to hospital and hopes that will be the end of it. But when the tests show there's nothing physically wrong w... >Voir plus
Que lire après You found meVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Cette histoire aussi touchante que mystérieuse m'a happée dès les premières pages. Virginia Macgregor a le don de faire voyager ses lecteurs au coeur même de l'âme humaine. À lire !
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Citations et extraits (10) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
River saw hummingbirds on "Animal planet" (...) and she loved how their feathers were like rainbows and how they moved all the time. The presenter said that hummingbirds can beat their wings fifty times a second. River thought about how unfair it is that she always gets in trouble for moving around too much while hummingbirds get to flutter and fidget as much as they like and people don't criticise them -- they just think they're beautiful.
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Every generation tries to do things better than its parents, and yet we seem doomed to fail our children. Maybe that is the hardest lesson of all.
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(...) maybe the reason Jules likes to spend her whole time being a nanny is because babies and small children are less messy to love thant grown-ups.
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Mr Long is the hospital manager who knows nothing about medecine but is paid to make all the important décisions at the hospital.
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After years of being hounded by the authorities, Constantin has learnt that paranoia is a valid reaction to most anomalies.
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Famille je vous [h]aime

Complétez le titre du roman de Roy Lewis : Pourquoi j'ai mangé mon _ _ _


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