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EAN : 9780374329556
292 pages
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (27/04/2009)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Hector is being hectored by an unlikely bully: a talking brain tumor. And it’s not just a talking brain tumor. It’s a know-it-all, pain-in-the-arse, jibber-jabbering brain tumor that names itself Jack, and insists on coaching Hector through life even as it’s threatening to take his life away. It’s a pretty good coach, actually. With Jack in control of Hector’s speech and brain chemicals, Hector suddenly finds himself with a cool haircut, a new fashion sense, and tac... >Voir plus
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Orgueil et ..., de Jane Austen ?


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