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EAN : 9780500653289
32 pages
Thames & Hudson (25/04/2024)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
In this exquisitely illustrated novelty picture book with die-cut flaps, we follow Mouse from woods to estuary to visit an old friend by the seaside.

This gorgeous follow-up to the award-winning Mouse's Wood accompanies Mouse on a new adventure - from the woods, down a gently flowing river to the open sea - to visit an old friend. Detailed illustrations feature many plants and animals for children to identify, and the atmospheric rhyming text winds do... >Voir plus
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Vidéo de Alice Melvin
Here, Alice Melvin shares how to draw Mouse, the star of her book 'Mouse's Wood'.
The story follows Mouse, who first ventures out in wintry January to visit his friend Squirrel. Mouse moves on to wake up Hedgehog for the arrival of spring and as he continues along the path in the wood, Mouse's journey from friend to friend maps out the changes in seasons from January through to December, from picnicking among the bluebells with Mole in May and picking berries with Dormouse in June, to taking refuge in Fox's cozy caravan as winter draws in.
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Fleurs, fruits, livres, chansons 🌸🍓📘🎶

Quelle chaleur!😓 Heureusement, j'ai gardé une ... pour la soif.


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