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Sydney Smith (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9780316298582
Little, Brown and company (10/05/2016)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Kim Fitzgerald-Trout took to driving with ease--as most children would if their parents would ever let them try. She had to. After all, she and her siblings live in a car.

Meet the Fitzgerald-Trouts, a band of four loosely related children living together in a lush tropical island. They take care of themselves. They sleep in their car, bathe in the ocean, eat fish they catch and fruit they pick, and can drive anywhere they need to go--to the school, ... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Look out for the Fitzgerald-TroutsVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ce roman, à la fois étonnant et coloré, est aussi drôle que poétique. Il se lit presque d'un trait.
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By the time they reached to parking lot of the laundromat, the rain had stopped. There was water everywhere and the oil dripping from all the parked cars made wild rainbows that spread around their feet as the Fitzgerald-Trouts stomped in those puddles. (…) Stomping and splashing made Kim think how amazing it was that something as ugly as gasoline could make something as beautiful as a rainbow if you splashed the water just right.
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Because it was raining, the children were stuck in the car, playing game after game of Sorry! It was a game they usually liked because, like most of us, they hated to say “Sorry” when they were supposed to, but loved to say it when they didn’t mean it.
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autres livres classés : île tropicaleVoir plus
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Quel est le bon titre des livres de Grégoire Delacourt ?

... au bord de l’abîme ?


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