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EAN : 9780553249859
222 pages
Bantam Books Inc (01/12/1900)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
“It is always a treat to read a Nero Wolfe mystery. The man has entered our folklore.”—The New York Times Book Review

Embark on a year of murder and mystery. It begins at Christmas with a party and a poisoning, then blossoms into spring with sudden death at the Easter Parade. With a killer in the crowd, the Fourth of July is no picnic, and the calendar is overbooked with corpses when death is in season. Here are four cunning cases that leave everyone ... >Voir plus
Que lire après And four to goVoir plus
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For a cop, you never just state a fact, or report it, or declare it or say it. You admitt it.
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la mythologie grecque

Qu i sont les premiers enfants d'Ouranous et de Gaia ?

les titans
les cyclopes
les titans et les titanides
les titanides

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