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EAN : 9780500025536
208 pages
Thames & Hudson (02/05/2024)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The essential guide to the world of Aztec mythology, based on Nahuatl-language sources that challenge the colonial history passed down to us by the Spanish.

From their remote origins as migrating tribes to their rise as builders of empire, the Aztecs were among the most dynamic and feared peoples of ancient Mexico, with a belief system that was one of the most complex and vital in the ancient world. Historian Camilla Townsend returns to the original t... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Aztec Myths: A Guide to the Ancient Stories and LegendsVoir plus

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Les chats dans la littérature

Qui est l'auteur de la nouvelle intitulée "Le chat noir" ?

H. P. Lovecraft
Eugène Sue
Alphonse Allais
Edgar Allan Poe

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