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EAN : 9781784294625
336 pages
Quercus (09/03/2017)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The Bugatti Type 57 Atlantic was called the most beautiful car of all time. Only four of them were ever built. A California museum paid $37 million for one; Ralph Lauren bought another; a third was smashed by a train at a level crossing. The fourth disappeared in France during World War 2. It was the car used by British racing ace, William Grover Williams, twice winner of the French and Monaco Grand Prix, who became an undercover agent in Occupied France.
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Que lire après Une enquête de Bruno Courrèges, tome 9 : Fatal PursuitVoir plus

autres livres classés : romans policiers et polarsVoir plus

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Retrouvez le bon adjectif dans le titre - (6 - polars et thrillers )

Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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