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EAN : 9780349015484
512 pages
Virago (03/02/2022)
3.5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Yasmin Ghorami has a lot to be grateful for: a loving family, a fledgling career in medicine, and a charming, handsome fiancée, fellow doctor Joe Sangster.

But as the wedding day draws closer and Yasmin's parents get to know Joe's firebrand feminist mother, both families must confront the unravelling of long-held secrets, lies and betrayals.

As Yasmin dismantles her own assumptions about the people she holds most dear, she's also forced... >Voir plus
Que lire après Love MarriageVoir plus
Citations et extraits (7) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
Of course it was Harriet! It was all very well for Harriet to goad Ma into talking about who knows what because the Sangsters discussed everything, but this family was different. In the Ghorami family you didn't blurt things out inconsiderably. God knows where that would lead.
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'In a healthy parent-child relationship, the parent's love is liberating, nourishing, nurturing. When a parent - motivated by loneliness or emptiness or a troubled marriage - makes a child a surrogate partner, the love can feel imprisoning and onerous. Suffocating... '
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'It' s not a question of fault. Parents do the best they know how for their children. Almost all parents do. And sometimes their best efforts are damaging. We don't seek to blame, only understand. '
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'I'm not just an immigration lawyer, Yasmin, I specialise in discrimination issues as well.'
'And I'm not just a doctor, I specialise in majorly fucked-up family issues as well.'
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In this room if we are sad we cry, if we are amused we laugh, if we are angry we shout or curse. As long as we don't hit each other, it's all good. Okay?
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