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EAN : 978B01H02TOOI
44 pages
Tor Books (27/07/2016)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
"The Art of Space Travel" by Nina Allan is a science fiction novelette. In 2047, a first manned mission to Mars ended in tragedy. Thirty years later, a second expedition is preparing to launch. As housekeeper of the hotel where two of the astronauts will give their final press statements, Emily finds the mission intruding upon her thoughts more and more. Emily's mother, Moolie, has a message to give her, but Moolie's memories are fading. As the astronauts' visit dra... >Voir plus
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Vidéo de Nina Allan
9 mai 2023 #booktube #bookrecommendations #sf This week sees the publication of Nina Allan's most accessible, commercial and readable novel yet, 'Conquest', which in its use of detective fiction and SF conceits expertly expands the possibilities of the 21st century novel. Steve reviews the book in interview with Nina, their conversation veering into conspiracy theory, other books and writers and David Bowie...
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Qui a écrit 1984

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