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EAN : 9781401261931
144 pages
Vertigo (17/08/2016)
4/5   2 notes
Résumé :
In these tales from issues #1-6 of the new hit series, God is dead—and Gabriel has accused Lucifer of His murder. Lucifer had motive and opportunity, but claims he can prove his innocence. If Gabriel finds the killer and takes the culprit into custody, his sins will be forgotten, and he’ll be welcomed back to Silver City. Their investigation will span Heaven, Hell, Earth and beyond in this antagonistic buddy-cop noir with an angelic flair.

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Vidéo de Holly Black
Extrait du livre audio « Les Soeurs perdues » de Holly Black, traduit par Leslie Damant-Jeandel, lu par Zina Khakhoulia. Parution numérique le 19 juillet 2023.
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