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EAN : 9781841764856
48 pages
Osprey (01/01/1900)
3.5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
The Sarmatians - one of the many nomadic groups to emerge from the great Eurasian Steppe - crossed the Don in about the 3rd century BC to displace their western neighbours, the Scythians, in the lands north of the Black Sea. Later they burst into Asia Minor and Rome's Danube provinces, becoming famous for the prowess of their lance-armed cavalry - first as enemies, and later as allies of Rome. They influenced Rome's adoption of heavy armoured cavalry, and in Roman s... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Sarmatians 600 BC - AD 450Voir plus

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Devenez très fort en citations latines en 10 questions

Que signifie Vox populi, vox Dei ?

Il y a des embouteillages partout.
Pourquoi ne viendrais-tu pas au cinéma ?
J'ai un compte à la Banque Populaire.
Voix du peuple, voix de Dieu.

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Thèmes : latin , Citations latines , antiquitéCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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