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EAN : 9781505502848
Editora Griffo (01/01/1900)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Mariée à un émigré français qui défend la monarchie constitutionnelle, Frances Burney l’observe évoluer dans un pays qui n’est pas le sien. Elle est témoin du manque de solidarité du peuple anglais envers ces émigrés qui ont dû fuir leur pays pour ne pas mourir. En 1793, elle écrit le seul pamphlet de sa carrière, le seul écrit contenant un propos ouvertement politique : Brief Reflections Relative to the Emigrant French Clergy : Earnestly Submitted to the Humane Con... >Voir plus
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Anticipate the answer, anticipate the historians of times to come : will they not say, ‘these holy men, who died for want of bread, were Priests of the Christian Religion. They had committed no sin, they had offended against no law : they refused to take an oath which their consciences disapproved ; their piety banished them from their country ; and the land in which they sought refuge received, admired, relieved –neglected, forgot, and finally permitted them to starve!
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By addressing myself to females, I am far from inferring that charity is exclusively their praise; no, it is a virtue as manly as it is gentle; it is christian, in one word, and ought therefore to be universal.
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Connaissez-vous vraiment Frances Burney?

Quel est le titre du premier roman publié de sa carrière?

Evelina or or, A Young Lady's Entrance into the World
Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an Heiress
The Witlings

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