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EAN : 9780340938270
352 pages
Sceptre (12/03/2007)
2.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Set in the stunning landscape of North Wales just after D-Day, Peter Ho Davies’s profoundly moving first novel traces the intersection of disparate lives in wartime. When a POW camp is established near her village, seventeen-year-old barmaid Esther Evans finds herself strangely drawn to the camp and its forlorn captives. She is exploring the camp boundary when the astonishing occurs: Karsten, a young German corporal, calls out to her from behind the fence. From that... >Voir plus
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C'est la guerre !

Complétez le titre de cette pièce de Jean Giraudoux : La Guerre ... n'aura pas lieu

de Corée
de Troie
des sexes
des mondes

8 questions
1125 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : guerre , batailles , armeeCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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