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EAN : 9780812590364
Forge (01/09/2000)

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Résumé :
Milt Dale is the Man of the Forest. Living alone on a camp in the wilderness called Paradise Park, he prefrs the company of bears, cougars, and wolves to that of the surrounding ranchers and troublemakers. But one day he overhears a conversation that changes his life and convinces him to leave his wild paradise to save a young woman from certain doom.
The pioneer spirit runs in Helen Rayner's blood, but it may not save her from the nasty end that tough guy S... >Voir plus
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I loved the motion of the horse, the feel of Wind in my face, the small of the pine, the sight of slope and forest glade and windfall and rocks, and the black shade under the spruces. My blood beat and burned. My teeth clicked. My nerves all quivered. My heart sometimes, at dangerous moments almost choked me, and all the time it pounded hard. Now my skin was hot and then it was cold. But I think the best of that chase for me was that I was on a fast horse, guiding him, controlling him. He was alive. Oh how I felt his running!
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"The Last of the Plainsmen" Livre vidéo Non sous-titré. Non traduit.
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Les personnages de Lucky Luke

Je suis le personnage secondaire "réel" le plus présent dans la série et je fais ma première apparition dans l'album "Hors-la-loi". Dès ma deuxième apparition, dans "Lucky Luke contre Joss Jamon", je prends les traits d'un jeune bandit coléreux, petit, nez retroussé, taches de rousseurs et incisives en avant, je suis la parfaite caricature des jeunes adolescents.

Lucky Luke
Jolly Jumper
Joe Dalton
Billy the Kid
Calamity Jane
Roy Bean
Buffalo Bill
Jesse James
Sarah Bernhardt
Wyatt Earp
Abraham Lincoln
Edwin Drake
Mark Twain
Allan Pinkerton

15 questions
154 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : bd jeunesse , bande dessinée , bande dessinée humour , western , western humoristique , bd franco-belge , personnages , Personnages fictifsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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