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EAN : 9781785655708
324 pages
Titan Books Ltd (19/06/2018)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Once there was a fisherman who lived on a cold and rocky coast and was never able to convince any woman to come away and live in that forbidding place with him. One evening he pulled up his net and found a woman in it. A woman with black hair and eyes as grey as a stormy sea and a gleaming fish's tail instead of legs.
The storm in her eyes rolled into his heart. She stopped her thrashing and crashing at his voice, though she did not understand his words. But ... >Voir plus
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Une vie entre deux océans - M.L. Stedman

Dans quel pays se déroule ce récit ?


10 questions
28 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Une vie entre deux océans de M. L. StedmanCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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