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EAN : 9781943735365
112 pages
Button Poetry (18/09/2018)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Phil Kaye’s debut collection is a stunning tribute to growing up, and all of the challenges and celebrations of the passing of time, as jagged as it may be. Kaye takes the reader on a journey from a complex but iridescent childhood, drawing them into adolescence, and finally on to adulthood. There are first kisses, lost friendships, hair blowing in the wind while driving the vastness of an empty road, and the author positioned in the middle, trying to make sense of ... >Voir plus
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Fleurs, fruits, livres, chansons 🌸🍓📘🎶

Quelle chaleur!😓 Heureusement, j'ai gardé une ... pour la soif.


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