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EAN : 9780373696901
224 pages
Harlequin Intrigue (23/04/2013)
2.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Cord McCrea was the Texas Ranger of her dreams…but their life together ended like a nightmare. They were too proud and stubborn, and there was no repairing the damage done to their family. All Kate Danver McCrea had now was the reminder he'd left growing inside her.

Now the crazed gangster who'd shattered Cord's life was a free man, and he wanted to settle some old scores. Cord would do anything to protect his ex-wife, but once she was safe, they woul... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Protecting their childVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Beaucoup d'action et des personnages plus grands que nature. Cependant, pour que la magie opère, il faut se rappeler que le récit est fictif… Autrement, il serait facile de douter qu'une femme enceinte de 5 mois puisse survive à toutes ces péripéties (froid, neige, pluie, escalade en montagne, faim, manque de sommeil, affrontements armés, et j'en passe).
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Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
He waited. If there was one thing he’d learned after a year of therapy, it was that whoever was asking the questions waited until they were answered. You couldn’t rush a conversation.
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He could tell. He’d always been able to read her, especially when something was wrong. If only he could talk through a problem as well as he could spot one.
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Another saying of his grandmother’s popped into his head. Bargain with the devil – or his agents – and you’re gonna get burned.
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My grandmother said everything could be fixed with a good cup of cocoa (…)
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L'érotisme en littérature

Lequel de ces romans de Diderot, publié anonymement, est un roman libertin ?

Le Neveu de Rameau
Les Bijoux indiscrets
Le Rêve de D'Alembert
La Religieuse

6 questions
354 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature libertine , érotisme , érotiqueCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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