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Addictions tome 3 sur 4
EAN : 9781950165995
570 pages
Hugo Publishing (28/09/1900)
4.6/5   10 notes
Résumé :
Découvrez la conclusion de l'histoire d'amour épique de deux ex-addicts ! Lily et Lo se préparent au pire quand Jonathan Hale programme un rendez-vous « important » avec eux. Seulement, après avoir été jetés sous les feux des projecteurs et luttant quotidiennement contre leurs addictions, ils ne voient pas bien ce qui pourrait leur arriver de pire. Au coeur d'un océan de changements, Lily et Lo vont devoir se soutenir et se battre ensemble, une dernière fois, pour a... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Addictions, tome 3 : Addicted after allVoir plus
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I nod to him and rest my forearms on the cold counter. "Boy or girl?" I ask, the question already jailing my muscles in an uncomfortable vice. I decide to do sit-ups in the kitchen while I wait for him. I walk in front of the island and lie on the floorboards.
"Is this what I want or what I think Rose will have?" he questions.
"What you want?" I watch him pour his coffee, and then I rest my hands behind my head and use my core to rise to my bent legs.
Connor walks over and step on the tops of my shoes, keeping me stationary. He cups his mug. "I want many children, so I don't really mind wich one is first, as long as there's a second."
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Chocolate cake.
That is what all four guys had been searching for. Not cigars.
It's possibly one of the sweetest, kindest gesture I've seen. Because it's something that Daisy loves.
Ryke kight the waxy candle, and then he messes her hair with a rough, caring hand. And we all start to sing happy birthday.
Daisy looks around at us, and her eyes begin to glass with tears. We've celebrated her birthday before, but this time it's different. We're all closer. She's finally with Ryke. It's like the puzzle pieces of our lives have begun to fit together just right.
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After a long moment, Ryke slowly pushes to his feet. He's an inch taller than his brother. More brooding. But Lo is more severe.
Stone vs. Ice.
Hardness vs. Sharpness.
For a second, I wonder if they're about to fight. But then he reaches out and clasps Lo's hand. Ryke keans in for a bro-hug-pat. And my shoulders lift like I'm soaring. They've been to hell and back for each other, and I think they'd both be willing to take a second travel of they had to.
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Then Daisy raises her fist to me with a sunny expression that makes my life seems better than it is. I look up at my brother who meets my eyes. I get it. Why he loves her.
She's a light in a dark place. Even when she's going through deep shit too. Daisy and Ryke are the definition of selfless. In comparison, I'm the monster, the assshole, the villain. But in Lily Calloway's eyes I'l the hero.
That has to count for something.
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And then Connor's deep blue eyes meet mine, and he smiles at me, a genuine one that he only reserves for friends.
He can slice through arguments, lower boiling points and keep our friendship intact, not even remotely awkward after we just kissed.
And he's a part of my life.
Thank God.
Or rather, thank him. Yeah, I smile, he'd want me to rephrase that.
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