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EAN : 9780062887436
480 pages
Harperluxe (05/02/2019)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Scotland Yard’s Ian Rutledge seeks a killer who has eluded Scotland Yard for years in this next installment of the acclaimed New York Times bestselling series.

An astonishing tip from a grateful ex-convict seems implausible—but Inspector Ian Rutledge is intrigued and brings it to his superior at Scotland Yard. Alan Barrington, who has evaded capture for ten years, is the suspect in an appalling murder during Black Ascot, the famous 1910 royal horserac... >Voir plus
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Le café

Le mot français « café » provient de l’arabe « qahwa ». Vrai ou faux ?


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