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EAN : 978B00AACQ1O2
Eibonvale Press (01/10/2011)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Martin Newland is fascinated by time. Watches and clocks are for him metaphorical time machines, a means of coming to terms with the past and voyaging into the future. But was his first timepiece a Smith, given to him on his fourteenth birthday, or the Longines he received four years later? Was it the small brass travelling clock unearthed in the run-down house for which he is to act as estate agent? And who is the maker of these time machines?
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Vidéo de Nina Allan
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Londres et la littérature

Dans quelle rue de Londres vit Sherlock Holmes, le célèbre détective ?

Oxford Street
Baker Street
Margaret Street
Glasshouse Street

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