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EAN : 9781471167782
320 pages
Feiwel & Friends (27/02/2018)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Ellie Frias disappeared long before she vanished.

Tormented throughout middle school, she begins her freshman year with new clothes, new hair, and a plan: she doesn’t need to be popular, she just needs to blend in with the wallpaper.

It’s a lonely existence, but at least no one’s tripping her in the halls. In fact, no one notices her at all. Until Caleb Breward, tells her she’s beautiful and makes her believe it.

Ellie lo... >Voir plus
Que lire après I stop somewhereVoir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
Some days, it feels like there's nothing in front of you but creeping darkness, but it's not true. Because at the end of darkness, there's always light. Maybe it's filtered. Maybe it's dimmed because of the darkness that led you to it, but the light still exists.
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Famille je vous [h]aime

Complétez le titre du roman de Roy Lewis : Pourquoi j'ai mangé mon _ _ _


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Thèmes : enfants , familles , familleCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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