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EAN : 9781732747906
102 pages
Bookcase Literary Agency (13/09/2018)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Discussing themes of love, worth, loss and hope, A Love Letter from the Girls Who Feel Everything is a journey of discovery and healing.

“We are the girls who feel everything.

And this is our love letter. To you, to them, to us, to the world, to no one at all. Whether it’s the brightest, sunniest day where everything is perfect, or the darkest, dreariest night of rain where life seems unbearable — we have lived it, we have survived it, ... >Voir plus
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
Hug a stranger.
Hug a friend.
Text that boy — or don’t, so long as you’re being true to your heart and its desires.
Kiss like it’s the first time, or maybe like it’s the last.
Tell someone how you feel.
See the world.
Meet someone new.
Let someone feel the way your heart beats, and ask them to let you feel theirs, too.
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I like doing things for the first time. I like that buzz, the excitement, the uncertainty. I like having expectations and love even more when they don’t live up to reality. I like living life as if no two days are allowed to be the same.
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There will come a day you’ll walk alone and you’ll have to count your own heartbeats.
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Videos de Brittainy C. Cherry (2) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Brittainy C. Cherry
Le dernier roman de la talentueuse Brittainy C. Cherry est enfin disponible dans toutes les librairies. Découvrez les destins de Grace, fille de pasteur bien rangée, et Jackson, mouton noir rebel du village... Quand deux âmes que tout sépare finissent par se rapprocher...
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The elements: Livre 1

Comment s'appellent les deux protagonistes principaux?

Tristan et Aurore
Tristan et Elizabeth
Elizabeth et Robin
Aurore et Robin

10 questions
1 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : The Elements, tome 1 : The Air He Breathes de Brittainy C. CherryCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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