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EAN : 9780141017778
464 pages
Penguin (01/01/2007)
4.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
What is religion and how did it evolve? Is it the product of blind evolutionary instinct or of rational choice? Is the only way to live a good life through religion?

Few forces in the world are as potent as religion: it comforts people in their suffering and inspires them tho both magnificent and terrible deeds. In this provocative and timely book, Daniel C. Dennett seeks to uncover the origins of religion and discusses how and why different faiths ha... >Voir plus
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Jésus qui est-il ?

Jésus était-il vraiment Juif ?

Plutôt Zen

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Thèmes : christianisme , religion , bibleCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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