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EAN : 9780578423951
238 pages
Independendly Published (08/12/2018)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Permission is book three of the USA Today bestselling Perversion Trilogy and the conclusion of Grim and Emma Jean's story. War breaks out in Lacking.Just when I think things can't get any worse, an unexpected guestarrives, and I'm forced to make a choice between the life I've always wanted and a life I never knew I could have. I didn't know how strong I was until I met Grim. But am I strong enough?
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Being someone's possession makes you nothing. Giving yourself to someone completely makes you everything. And that's what we do. What we'll always do. Give ourselves to one another completely. With love, passion, and permission.
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Stop pointing fingers at yourself, and start pointing guns at others.
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No amount of physical pain can compare to how I'm already hurting.
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Retour au sens premier ... 🧐 📖

Une polémique fait rage. Vous êtes dans l'œil du cyclone :

en pleine tourmente
ouf ! un moment de répit

5 questions
83 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : expressions françaises , sens , Faux amis , bisous , bisous , baba yagaCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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