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EAN : 9781888375886
110 pages
Parallax Press (01/01/2008)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
In this provocative book, noted Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh offers a dramatic vision of the future of a planet overheated by rapidly disappearing fossil fuels, degraded by massive overconsumption, and besieged by unsupportable population growth. Hanh finds answers to these critical problems in the Buddhist teaching of the impermanence of all things. He demonstrates how this teaching can offer inner peace and help us use our collective wisdom and technology to r... >Voir plus
Que lire après The World we haveVoir plus
Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
We have constructed a system we can't control. It imposes itself to us, and we becomes its slaves and victims. For most of us who want to have a house, a car, a refrigerator, a television, and so on, we must sacrifice our time and our lives in exchange. We are constantly under thepressure of time. In former times, we could afford three hours to drink one cup of tea, enjoying the company of our friends in a serene and spiritual atmosphere. We could organise a party to celebrate the blossoming of one orchid in our garden. But today we can no longer afford these things. We say that time is money.
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The life of civilization is like the life of a human being. There is birth and there is death. And this civilization of ours will have to end one day. But we have a huge role to play to determining when it ends and how quickly. If the human race continues on its present course, the end of our civilization is coming sooner than we think.
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We have destroyed our Mother Earth in the same way bacteria or a virus can destroy a human body.
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The world is sick, and adapting to an unwell environment cannot bring real health.
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Leçons d'humanité de Thích Nhất Hạnh
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