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EAN : 9780586091968
Flamingo (01/01/1976)
4.75/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Joseph, a small- town schoolteacher, has always lived a quiet life - at least until his forty-third year, when he suddenly finds himself at a crossroads. He is faced by several dilemmas: he has to decide whether to learn how to work the land on the farm where he was raised, or leave in search of wider, more worldly horizons ; he has to choose between Catherine, a tantalizing and sensuous Young student, and Roleaslee, his beautiful and faithful childhood frient. Perh... >Voir plus
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He wondered how it was that dreams could carry a day, whether good or bad. If bad, it was as if a person woke up and their mind fairly ached, and the early morning reality of chores, breakfast, and driving to school lacked the energy to assert itself enough to dispel the dream. But the same was true if the dreams were particularly good, or if they were poxerful sexual dreams which Joseph recognized most people had. You could dream about a homely girl and in class the next day she would be cast in a new, Strange light though it tended to dissipate as the day grew. Dreams had the power to fool with reality, sometimes in a pathetic way...
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Dawn. A soiled, yellowish light comes in the window. It is cloudy. A nude girl stand next to the bed. She rubs her face hard and sighs. She goes into the bathroom and looks into a shaving kit for aspirin and takes three. She nearly teteches with the water but it passes. The water tastes like chlorine, vomit, and wine. She shakes the man awake.
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Videos de Jim Harrison (27) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Jim Harrison
Vie de Guastavino et Guastavino, d'Andrés Barba Traduit de l'espagnol par François Gaudry
Devant la douleur des autres de Susan Sontag Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Fabienne Durand-Bogaert
le Style Camp de Susan Sontag Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Guy Durand
le Passé, d'Alan Pauls Traduit de l'espagnol (Argentine) par André Gabastou.
Mumbo Jumbo, d'Ishmael Reed Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Gérard H. Durand Nouvelle préface inédite de l'auteur
Dalva de Jim Harrison Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Brice Matthieussent
autres livres classés : littérature américaineVoir plus

Lecteurs (4) Voir plus

Quiz Voir plus

Jim Harrison, l'homme du Michigan...

Parmi ces nouvelles, laquelle ne figure pas dans le recueil "Légendes d'Automne" paru en 1979?

Une vengeance
Légendes d'Automne
En route vers l'Ouest
L'Homme qui abandonna son nom

10 questions
119 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Jim HarrisonCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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